Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Long Time, That's How Long!

I think one of the things that contributed to E's (temporary) loss of interest in the game was not only the pedestrian nature the adventures had assumed (another spider on the Owlsnest road!) but the slow pace of my producing them.

A week or so ago he asked me "Dad, how long would it take to get ready if we were going to play for a WHOLE DAY?" He had already heard me say that in high school and college our games sometimes lasted for six to eight hours.

I thought a bit and pulled out the old classroom prep ratio of four to one (four hours of prep per classroom hour). "About four days" I told him. He was suitably impressed.

But here I am back from trip, with some free time, trying to whip up an adventure that will suit his avowed taste for something interesting and "legendary" (a word he used this morning when we were reading some of Tony Abbott's tooth-grinding Secrets of Droon series). I've been hacking away at this story for bits of the day, and so far I have two single-spaced pages of backstory, and perhaps 15 minutes worth of actual gameplay in the present! Hmm, a problem I know well from my efforts at novel-writing.

Well, back to it. Those of you who are seasoned blog consumers know these things apper in reverse order by default. I've posted three times today, so don't miss the others that are further below.

(Interesting how the semi-public forum instantly sharpens one's sense of self-promotion. "Don't miss..." indeed!)


Thomas said...

So, did you have a plan for what this 'evil' was that he was detecting beyond the wall?

We can brainstorm the next story here, if you like.

Steve Lane said...

The "aranea" I mentioned was the most likely culprit. But E is on to his next character, and Holborne's problems are no longer his problems ... though it would be good to decide what it was.