Sunday, April 29, 2007

In Bladesbat Cave

Warp Speed

If you have nothing better to do than watch this blog (and I hope indeed that you do), you'll notice that I'm posting at a bit of a frantic pace. That's because I am simply trying to, as they say, catch up. As I mentioned recently, E. tired of Tyron once he reached Owlsnest and rolled a new character, the better part of three weeks ago. I still have to relate:

  • How Thorgun grew up fighting large insects

  • How, in his search for the delicacy Grick, he discovered the Dark Highway

  • How he set off for Owlsnest, pursued by old enemies

  • How it was a long way

  • How he fell in with a foe, and they reached the city together

So I better get on it.

Thorgun Arrives

Thorgun is a half-orc barbarian, who grew up in Bladesbat cave, far in the southwest of Thorion Island, near a swamp that swelters at the foot of the Black Mountains. (You might remember that this is the home of the black dragons that were driven away from Dragontown). Barbarian, for those of you who've been away from D&D for a while, is a new sort of warrior with maximum hit points, and a limited, combat-and-outdoors type of skill set. It appears to be what we call in the world of on-line RPGs such as World of Warcraft a good "solo class", meaning it's a viable class for solo adventuring (unlike, say, a starting wizard or sorceror who can cast 3-4 spells per day.

Once again, the game got underway more or less by E. deciding which monsters in the MM looked interesting. Being interested in animals he again lit on things like giant centipedes. So off he went to defend the swamp from giant centipedes. He defeated a medium sized one, then later went back to battle the Really Big One. And here, for the first time, a setback. He defeated the monster, but was left for dead. In fact he got reduced to 0 hit points, which D&D now treats as an unconscious but stable state. But I told him he was "sort of dead" or at least defeated, and he didn't take it well at all. In fact a wandering party from his cave found the aftermath of the battle, took him and the dead centipede back, and patched him up. This was the beginning of Thorgun's reputation as by far the craziest half-orc Bladesbat had ever seen.

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